Recently in AS, we picked up another discussion about the controversy on
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and how it was banned in our school in the 1970's. Even today, it is not allowed to be taught outside of our class room. The reasons listed for banning the book were that the content was inappropriate, hurtful to African American students, and irrelevant. However, these motives are not even fully valid. The content, read superficially, could offend blacks, but if read in depth, students would see that there is a satire placed on racist whites. Also, the book's historical setting is completely relevant to racism even today, and it will be relevant until racism is eliminated. The "N" word is written a total of 216 times in the book, but it would be wrong to shelter young adults from the meaning and former use of the word. All of these arguments are even more reason why the book needs to be read and analyzed in a class room. In fact, students could misinterpret the message of the book if not read carefully. It is important to discuss the "N" word and racism inside a classroom so every student develops a correct understanding. So, if you have to ban anything, why not ban the books outside of all class rooms?
I agree completely and you make such a great point, students SHOULD in fact read the book to get a better understanding. I was talking about the new revision for Huck Finn with my parents and they found it ridiculous. It's a part of history, you can't just skip over it because of how bad it was. Analyzing it would definitely help students understand what's going on in the book, I don't see how anyone could get offended if they read carefully. The book takes place in a different time, the "N" word is still used but does not have the same meaning it did before. I agree that the book should be read in classrooms to help students understand what's happened in history. Teachers will be able to help students develop a better understand of Huck's time period and the use of the "N" word.