The other day, my friend sent me a youtube video titled "How to Trick People into Thinking You're Good-looking." Although the video was very humorous and entertaining, I couldn't help but be bothered by the general message. The video is obviously superficial, which you can see from the title, but it was also very degrading to women. The girl that made the video attempts to make herself look better, but immediately associates that with looking like a "street-walker" or "stripper." She even says, before putting on her make-up, that "the goal is to make yourself look NOTHING like yourself." This detriments the need we all have to be ourselves, and can lead a girl watching this video to believe that in order to seem appealing, she has to cake on make-up and bleach her hair, taking on the look of a stripper.

The girl in the video also states as one of her steps "Go out and get a job that is super degrading. I picked dancing in my underwear." Regardless of whether she is or is not a stripper, the message she is sending across is very appalling. She then goes on to say, "To pump myself up for work, I like to cry over my Master's degree." This implies that in order to be attractive as a woman, you have to throw away the hard work you've done in school and in your activities, and become a stripper. We can all see how the message of this video is insulting. Every person is attractive in different ways, but this girl's ideas must stem from somewhere. Do you think that what she says is somewhat true in society?
Here is the
video. Just a heads-up, it's inappropriate, but is necessary to watch if you want to comment back.
Elizabeth: an interesting idea for a post. Do you think that you needed four screen shots of the video to make your post work?
ReplyDeleteHow seriously did you take the video? Did it make a difference that the video seems to function as a promotion for another site geared toward bathroom college humor? Wasn't this woman just an actress?
In the end, I think you pose some important questions about how America views women, BUT I worry that you didn't view this video with a critical eye.
Hun I hate to say this, but the video is satirical. Like say South Park or Family Guy. It mocks the female role in society.
ReplyDeleteAs you can see...by the last screenshot you posted of her hugging her master's degree...she's not being serious at all.
This is suppose to be funny. Not serious. I'm sure she's not like this in real life at all.
Oh by "female role" I mean to say, how in society females are still degraded. She's mocking that.
ReplyDeleteIt was obviously satirical/tongue-in-cheek! You poor thing if you don't don't understand humor. You must be a child. Grow up.